Pioneers in the wedding market in Greece and Cyprus
Our brand name is recognized for excellent and high quality content, stylish wedding inspiration and trusted wedding professionals
A collection of the most popular blogs for brides that want to get married in Greece and Cyprus. Our brands include Love4Weddings, EverAfter, Chic and Stylish Weddings and the printed magazine Love4Weddings.
Even if you are in this business for many years you still need to promote your work, because every day they are new potential clients for you.
Eleni Balkouli

The most spectacular networking event for wedding professionals in Greece and Cyprus
Wedding Society Business Summits is an amazing two day event where wedding pros can meet and have the opportunity to network with the best wedding professionals from Greece and Cyprus. A unique event with distinguished speakers who will discuss topics that interest all wedding professionals: management, sales, social media, branding, growth and tips for networking in the wedding industry. It is perfectly designed to include information / education with powerful speeches, opportunities for acquaintances and socializing and…fun!

Social Media Expert & International Speaker
With her vast knowledge about social media for wedding professionals, Eleni is a sought-after speaker for wedding industry events all over the world.
The Blog
Read the Latest Posts about Eleni
Love4Weddings Wins Best Wedding Blog Awards
We are so excited to announce that our flagship brand Love4Weddings won the prestigious DWP ACE AWARD for the best wedding blog! “The first…
Continue Reading Love4Weddings Wins Best Wedding Blog Awards
Destination wedding panel discussion at the EWPC
This year at the Exotic Wedding Planners Congress (EWPC) in Arezzo Italy I had the pleasure of moderating a very interesting panel with an…
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Speaker at the DWP Congress in Dubai
When successful wedding professionals share their insights and knowledge it is always inspirational and helpful for everyone who is working in the wedding industry.…